My Story

It’s 4:20 am. I’m in the makeup room with less than 10 minutes to get into the studio to anchor the morning newscast. I've spent 5 minutes struggling to ram my microphone and IFB box down the back of my dress and hook them to my bra strap. For a moment, I consider tossing all my dresses and wearing a suit every day. Ugh! I wish there were a better way to do this. Praying I can actually wiggle the zipper of my dress over the bulky box, I feel uncomfortable, rushed, and self-conscious of the hump on my back. I’m starting my day, but already feel off of my game.
I'm Reba Hollingsworth, a television news anchor in Richmond, Virginia, and this has been my daily battle for more than 25 years. Different TV stations, different news positions...but the same ol' problem. Tons of women share my frustration: TV personalities, business executives, church and political leaders, public speakers, restaurant managers, hair show stylists — anyone who needs to be mic’d up. Every day we attempt to answer the same question: "I'm wearing a dress, so where do I put my microphone?”
We've tried all kinds of DIY leg-wrap solutions: bandages, elastic hair ties, headbands, and socks (yes, socks!). None of them solved the problem. Instead of another failed DIY attempt, I invested time, energy, and financial resources into a more sophisticated solution for us all.
The AHA Wrap is strong but stylish, just like us. With the AHA Wrap, I don't have to worry about that embarrassing shimmy or someone reaching down the back of my dress to turn off the mic so I can go to the restroom. Because we all deserve to feel special and pampered, the AHA Wrap can be monogrammed in your favorite color and style for a personal touch!
This is my AHA! Now it can be yours, too.
Yours truly...